
Syngaschem and the art of painting…

Nuenen, the place at which Syngaschem BV is founded, has a special place in the history of the art of painting: Here, the world famous painter Vincent van Gogh accomplished his first genuine masterpiece, ‘The Potatoe-Eaters’.

During the first workshop, Syngaschem BV organized together with Synfuels China in November 2013 in Nuenen, all participants paused from recruitment activities, scientific discussions, and brainstorming in order to visit the VinCentre. It is a small museum commemorating this event, and it is run by volunteers, who enthousiatically share their expertise on van Gogh with visitors from all over the world.

In May 2014, during the second workshop in Nuenen, participants came into action themselves and painted their own masterpieces under the kind guidance of the Eindhoven based artist Lex de Grote. An enjoyable experience for everyone!

We care about culture

It enriches people’s lives and helps them to connect with each other. At her homebase, the region of Eindhoven, Syngaschem BV proudly supports a variety of cultural and social initiatives. The majority of them are carried out by volunteers and students.


Syngaschem BV supports two cultural flagships of our region on a regular basis:

– the VinCentre (see also above)

Sponsored Events

September 20, 2015: ‘Fietsen voor Muziek’

Annual fundraising event organized by the brass orchestra Gerwens Musiekkorps – a bicycle tour…

May 13-15, 2015: ‘Open Nederlandse Chemie Sportdagen 2015 (ONCS)’

National sporting days of Dutch chemistry students, held in Eindhoven

March 27, 2015: ‘Japie Gala’

Annual celebration of the Student Union ‘Japie’

March 5, 2015: ‘FFnaar Classic’

Lustrum-Concert of the Eindhoven’s student orchestra ESMG Quadrivium

September 21, 2014: ‘Fietsen voor Muziek’

June 28, 2014: ‘Musical Sing Along’

Concert by the brass orchestra Het Koninklijk Woensels Muziekkorps