Self Leadership and Self Management

We all operate in the same dimensions such as feeling, thinking, doing and driving for results, but how can we apply these to their full potential?


People interact with others in simple ways.

All people have basic needs:

• To feel connected and recognized.

• To be emotionally independent
in taking responsibilities.

• To enjoy what they are doing.

We all strive to be ‘complete’ human beings, to be ‘whole’.

When our environment or we ourselves do not allow us to be ‘whole,’ we become unbalanced, for instance, we lean on others and let the other determine what we do, or we go our own way, isolate ourselves and miss the benefit of synergy in team work. All these reactions to unfulfilled basic needs have as result that we feel uncomfortable and not happy about our position.

Self leadership teaches us to find a balance between:

• Our authentic, intuitive connection with ourselves and others, based on our personal character

 (the “Self”)

• Our independent individuality

 (the “I”)

• Our feelings of well being, joy, inspiration and fullfillment

(the “Spirit”)

Self leadership shows us how to direct ourselves and to do the right things.

In addition to doing the right things, we also have to do things right. For this we need self management.

Self management teaches us to find our balance in performing our daily activities between the dimensions of

Structure; to have consistency and be efficient in our daily routines.

Content; or knowledge, as the basis of our professionality.

Results; to achieve our objectives.

People; to manage contacts, to coach, to cooperate and to build networks

Self management shows us how to perform.


Our four basic, authentic personal dimensions,

feel, think, do, drive – are the source

of our four dynamic performance dimensions

people, content, structure, results.



Anyone, who applies Self Leadership and Self Management, will grow into an authentic, self confident person, and will succeed in taking responsibilities, connecting with others, and enjoying what he/ she is doing.